LifeLook® Academic
This edition allows you to
create and view demonstrations that show the process
of the user’s analysis in real time.
It includes all procedures
and features from the Personal Edition
• Five year periods, check your psychological age
• Events, start a voyage in your past and journey to your future
• Dates, compose your timeline
• Spheres, define your priorities
• Colors, express your feelings
• Goals, audit your intentions
• Minutes, measure the speed of your psychological time
• Causes, search your own karma
• Significances, find how wise you are
• LifeMap, reveal the plot of your life
• Personality Portrait, know yourself or change yourself
• Demo Viewer
• Demo Maker
• Database selection
• Database creation
LifeLook® Academic
will be a helpful educational tool for students in mental health professions
like psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and social work.
Available with workshop
in our office or at your location.